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About Us


Our Church

Chinese Immanuel Church is a non-denominational church that believes in the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Christ’s virgin birth, His substitutionary atonement, His deity, His bodily resurrection and His second coming. Our emphasis is on the worship of God and the practical teaching of His Word. We are committed to equipping believers to do the work of God, and to reach out to the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Worship Service is conducted simultaneously in Mandarin-Chinese and English. We hope to encourage and strengthen all of God's people to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Our History

Chinese Immanuel Church in Sacramento began in 1985 as a small group of believers meeting together in the homes of our brothers and sisters, as the Grace Mission Church. We eventually grew in size and needed a larger and more permanent meeting place. At the end of the year 2000, the Lord enabled us to purchase a piece of vacant land nearby and we began the wonderful privilege of building a house for our Lord and a home for believers. By God's grace, our new church building was completed at the end of August 2006.

Image by Aaron Burden

Our Vision




Shepherd - Prepare a new generation of leaders. They must be the pastors of everyone,

                      and there must be a quiet understanding among them.


Share - Practice the Lord’s teachings and share our resources with missionary work.


Shine - Witness the truthfulness of the Bible and become the light of the world.


      Know the Lord-Keep His Word-Do His Work

Know the Lord - Seek the Lord's will. Pray and depend on God in everything.


Keep His Word - Read the Scriptures regularly. Apply the Bible’s teachings in daily lives.


Do His Work - Participate in church mission and ministry work. Make every effort to

                           become a faithful servant of the Lord.


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